Saturday, September 24, 2011

CSC- 356 Fundamentals of E-commerce Model Question Paper

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Model Question Paper
Bachelor Level/ Third Year/ Sixth Semester/ Science                            Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology                                      Pass Marks: 24
(CSC- 356 – Fundamentals of E-commerce)                                             Time: 3 hours.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as for as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Attempt all questions.
Section A
Illustrative Based Descriptive Questions:
Attempt all questions.                                                                                   (3x10=30)
  1. Define electronic commerce. Explain the anatomy of E-commerce process architecture.

  2. Explain the Mercantile model from the merchant’s perspective.

  3. How four layers of EDI ensure transmission of message and data between the trading partners in economic transaction? Also mention the tangible benefits of EDI.

  4. Section B
    Reason Based Analytical Question.
    Attempt all questions.                                                                          (6x5=30)

  5. Illustrate and explain the components of the I-way.

  6. Give following services/products, would e-commerce or traditional commerce work best? Give brief justifications to your answer.
    (a) Browsing through new books
    (b) Sale/purchase of shoes
    (c) Sale/purchase of collectibles (trading cards, plants etc.)

  7. Explain digital token based electronic payment system with major focus on F-cash and E-checks.

  8. How digital documents enhanced business data processing? Mention the various types of digital documents.

  9. How data and message security can be enforced e-commerce transaction?

  10. Write short notes (any two)
    (a) SSL vs. S-HTTP
    (b) Types of E-commerce based on transaction types
    (c) OTTP steps for online transactions

CSC- 356 Fundamentals of E-commerce Paper 2068

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level/ Third Year/ Sixth Semester/ Science                 Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology                           Pass Marks: 24
(CSC- 356 – Fundamentals of E-commerce)                                  Time: 3 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as for as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt all questions.
Section A [3x10=20]
  1. Explain the various categories of e-commerce. Define the role of e-commerce in business, service, learning and community.

  2. Explain the B2B commerce and its advantages and disadvantages.

  3. Explain the various features and advantages of electronic payments system. What are the problems in implementation? Explain.

  4. Section B [6x5=30]

  5. Compare between traditional and electronic commerce.

  6. Explain the components of the Information superhighway infrastructure.

  7. Define the firewall and its types.

  8. Explain the Mercantile process models from Merchant’s perspective.

  9. Explain the cryptography and its types.

  10. Write shorts notes on (any two):
    (a) Digital signature
    (b) Secure socket layer
    (c) EDI

CSC- 354 Real Time System Paper 2068

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level/ Third Year/ Sixth Semester/ Science                            Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology                                      Pass Marks: 24
(CSC- 354 –Real Time System)                                                                    Time: 3 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as for as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Group A
Attempt any two questions.                                                                 (2x12=24)
  1. Explain the various components of a real time system with suitable block diagram. State and prove the optimal Earliest-Deadline-First (EDF) algorithm.

  2. Explain the multiprocessor priority ceiling protocol with suitable example.

  3. Explain the Stack Stealing in deadline-driven system with suitable example.

    Group B
    Attempt any Eight questions.                                                              (8x7=40)

  4. Explain the real-time command and control system with suitable example.

  5. What is hard real time system? Explain with example.

  6. Differentiate between data dependency and temporal dependency.

  7. State and prove the Optimal Least-Stack-time-first (LST) algorithm.

  8. Define the clock-driven scheduling. What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?

  9. Differentiate between fixed-priority algorithm and dynamic-priority algorithm.

  10. Explain the sporadic server in fixed-priority systems with example.

  11. What is rate monotonic algorithm? Explain with suitable example.

  12. Explain the priority based service disciplines for switched networks.

  13. Write shorts notes on:
    (a) Scheduling hierarchy
    (b) Communication in multicomputer system.

CSC- 353 Web Technologies Paper 2068

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level/ Third Year/ Sixth Semester/ Science                         Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology                                   Pass Marks: 24
(CSC- 353 – Web Technologies)                                                                Time: 3 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as for as practicable.
Section A
Attempt any two questions.                                                               (2x10=20)
  1. How does a web server link physically on the Internet? How do we navigate from one URL to another from a page displayed at a browser? Explain.

  2. List the protocols and their use at the application layer in the Internet. Why World Wide Web is use? Explain.

  3. What is DOM Hierarchy? Explain the use of *, ? and t in defining a DOM element.

  4. Section B
    Attempt any eight questions.                                                              (8x5=40)
  5. What are the tags and attributes for a table in HTML document?

  6. Write short notes on various services offered by the Internet.

  7. What is the functionality and purpose of HTTP?

  8. Explain the XML syntax and structure rules.

  9. Mention the application of XSL.

  10. What are the benefits and drawbacks of using XML name space?

  11. What is the syntax of declaring an attributes in a DTD?

  12. Explain briefly, how the domain names are translated to IP addresses.

  13. Explain the client/server concepts of web.

  14. What do you mean by cookies? Explain with example.

CSC-352 Compiler Design and Construction Paper 2068

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level/ Third Year/ Sixth Semester/ Science                          Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology                                    Pass Marks: 24
(CSC- 352 – Compiler Design and Construction)                                 Time: 3 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as for as practicable.
The questions are of equal value.
Attempt all questions.                                                                                  (10x6=60)
  1. What do you mean by compiler? How source program analyzed? Explain in brief.

  2. Discuss the role of symbol table in compiler design.

  3. Convert the regular expression ‘0 + (1 + 0)* 00’ first into NFA and then into DFA using Thomson’s and Subset Construction methods.

  4. Consider the following grammar:
  5. S→ ( L )|a
    L→ L, S|S
    (a) Eliminate left recursion.
    (b) Computer FIRST & FOLLOW for the symbol in the grammar.
  6. Consider the grammar
      C→ AB
      A→ a
      B→ b
      Calculate the canonical LR(0) items.

  7. Describe the inherited and synthesized attributes of grammar using an example.

  8. Write the type expressions for the following types.
    (a) An array of pointers to real’s, where the array index range from 1 to 100.
    (b) Function whose domains are function from two characters and whose range is a pointer of integer.
  9. What do you mean by intermediate code? Explain the role of intermediate code in compiler design.

  10. What is operation of simple code generator? Explain.

  11. Why optimization is often required in the code generated by simple code generator? Explain the unreachable code optimization.

CSC 351 Software Engineering Paper 2068

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level/ Third Year/ Six Semester/ Science                                   Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology                                         Pass Marks: 24
(CSC 351 – Software Engineering)                                                                Time: 3 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as for as practicable.
The questions are of equal value.
Attempt any ten questions.                                                                                  (10x6=60)
  1. Differentiate between software process and software process model.

  2. What are the key challenges facing in Software Engineering? Explain.

  3. Explain the system design process.

  4. Why program are developed using evolutionary development are likely to be difficult to maintain? Explain.

  5. What is the critical distinction between a milestone and deliverable? Explain.

  6. Why elicitation and analysis is a difficult process in requirement engineering process? Explain.

  7. Explain the rapid prototyping techniques with example.

  8. What do you mean by formal specification? Explain.

  9. Explain the control models and its types.

  10. Explain the use case diagram with example.

  11. Explain the verification and validation planning.

  12. Write short notes on (any two):
  13. (a) Data flow models
    (b) COCOMO model
    (c) Security assessment

Friday, September 16, 2011

BSc CSIT 8th Semester Subject List

Eighth Semester:

        • CSC-451: Data Warehousing and Data Mining
        • CSC-452: Internship
Computer Science Elective 4 and Computer Science Elective 5 (Any Two of the following courses)
        • CSC-453: Advanced Networking with IPv6
        • CSC-454: Distributed Networking
        • CSC-455: Network Security
        • CSC-456: Multimedia Database
        • CSC-457: Distributed and Object Oriented Database
        • CSC-458: Cloud Computing
        • CSC-459: Geographical Information System
        • CSC-460: Decision Support System

BSc CSIT 7th Semester Subject List

Seventh semester:
Computer Science Elective 3 (Any One of the following courses)

BSc CSIT 6th Semester Subject List

Sixth semester:
(Computer Science elective II: A student can opt for any one of the following course)

BSc CSIT 5th Semester Subject List

Fifth semester:
(Computer Science elective I: A student can opt for any one of the following course)

BSc CSIT 4th Semester Subject List

Fourth semester:

BSc CSIT 3rd Semester Subject List

Third semester:

BSc CSIT 2nd Semester Subject List

Second semester:
(Natural Science elective II: A student can opt for any one of the following course)

BSc CSIT 1st Semester Subject List

First semester:
(Natural Science elective I: A student can opt for any one of the following course)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Internship/Project (Database) (CSC-462)

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology
8th Semester
Course Title: Internship/Project

Course no: CSC-462                                                                         Full Marks: 200
Credit hours: 6                                                                                  Pass Marks: 80

Nature of course: Internship / Project

Student must carryout 3 months internship directed to specific design problems related to implementation techniques for query analysis, data allocation, concurrency control, data structures, and advanced databases. New database models and recent developments in database technology must be studied.

Student should do internship in related private or government sector.

Project on Database System (CSC-461)

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology
8th Semester

Course Title: Project on Database System

Course no: CSC-461                                                                         Full Marks: 100
Credit hours: 3                                                                                  Pass Marks: 40

Nature of course: Project

The project should be done addressing the real world problem related to database systems. Students must do analysis of problem, and propose best solution highlighting on indexing, storing, and retrieval mechanism. The project report must include the essential components of database like E-R diagram, system diagram, and core part of tools used to develop the application.

Decision Support and Expert System (CSC-460)

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology
8th Semester
Course Title: Decision Support and Expert System

Course no: CSC-460                                                             Full Marks: 60+20+20
Credit hours: 3                                                                      Pass Marks: 24+8+8

Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)

Course Synopsis:  Use of Artificial Intelligence.

Goal:  This course introduces fundamental concept of decision support and expert systems and its application on neural networks.
Course Content:
Unit 1. Introduction to Management Support Systems                             2 Hrs.

Unit 2. Systems, Modeling, and Support for Decision Making                  2 Hrs.

Unit 3. Overview of Decision Support Systems (DSS)                             1 Hr.

Unit 4. DSS Data Management                                                                  2 Hrs.

Unit 5. Modeling and DSS Model Management                                          3 Hrs.

Unit 6. DSS User Interface                                                                        2 Hrs.

Unit 7. Constructing a DSS                                                                       1 Hr.

Unit 8. Organizational DSS (ODSS) and Advanced Topics                        3 Hrs.

Unit 9. Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)                                     3 Hrs.

Unit 10. Distributed Group Support Systems                                            3 Hrs.

Unit 11. Executive Information and Support Systems                                3 Hrs.

Unit 12. Overview of Applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Problem Solving
         2 Hrs.

Unit 13. Fundamentals of Expert Systems                                                 1 Hr.

Unit 14. Knowledge Acquisition and Validation                                          3 Hrs.

Unit 15. Knowledge Representation                                                          4 Hrs.

Unit 16. Inference, Explanations, and Uncertainty                                     4 Hrs.

Unit 17. Building Expert Systems: Process and Tools                               4 Hrs.

Unit 18. Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Networks                                  3 Hrs.

Unit 19. Neural Network Applications                                                        2 Hrs.

Laboratory works:    Designing a simple decision support system tool

Text Books:
  1. Decision Support and Expert Systems: Management Support Systems, Efriam Turban, 4th Edition, 1995, Prentice-Hall. 
  2. Developing Knowledge-Based Systems Using VP-Expert, Dorothy G. Dologite, 1993, Macmillan.

Assignment: Assignment should be given in throughout the semester.

Computer Usage:      No specific

Prerequisite:              C, C++, Data Structure

Category Content:    Science Aspect:           50%
                                    Design Aspect:            50%

Data Warehousing and Data Mining (CSC-459)

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology
8th Semester 
Course Title: Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Course no: CSC-459                                                                  Full Marks: 60+20+20
Credit hours: 3                                                                          Pass Marks: 24+8+8
Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)
Course Synopsis: Analysis of advanced aspect of data warehousing and data mining.
Goals:This course introduces advanced aspects of data warehousing and data mining, encompassing the principles, research results and commercial application of the current technologies

Course Content:

Unit 1.                                                                                                           5 Hrs.
Review of basic concepts of data warehousing and data mining, reasons for their use and benefits and problems arising

Unit 2.                                                                                                            5 Hrs.
Data warehouse logical design: star schemas, fact tables, dimensions, other schemas, materialized views

Unit 3.                                                                                                           5 Hrs.
Data warehouse physical design: hardware and i/o considerations, parallelism, indexes

Unit 4.                                                                                                          10 Hrs.
Data warehousing technologies and implementations: data extraction, transportation, transformation, loading and refreshing. Data warehouse support in SQL Server 2000 and Oracle 10g

Unit 5.                                                                                                          8 Hrs.
From data warehousing to data mining: OLAP architectures, design and query processing. SQL extensions for OLAP

Unit 6.                                                                                                          6 Hrs.
Data mining approaches and methods: concept description, classification, association rules, clustering

Unit 7.                                                                                                          4 Hrs.
Mining complex types of data
Unit 8.                                                                                                          5 Hrs.
Research trends in data warehousing and data mining

Laboratory works:    Design and development of data warehousing and data mining tools.

Text Books:
  1. Data Mining Concepts and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann J. Han, M Kamber
  2. Data Mining with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 C. Seidman

Assignment:  Assignment should be given throughout the semester.

Computer Usage:      No specific

Prerequisite:              C, Data Structure, Database

Category Content:    Science Aspect:           40%
                                    Design Aspect:            60%

Internship (Networking) (CSC-454)

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology
8th Semester 
Course Title: Internship

Course no: CSC-454                                                                                     Full Marks: 200
Credit hours: 6                                                                                              Pass Marks: 80

Nature of course: Project

Course Synopsis:  The students are required to complete a six credit (minimum ten weeks long) internship as a part of the course requirement. Industry is a crucial requirement of the Internship course and this will have to be secured before getting started with the course. The work that the students perform during the Internship will have to be supervised by the faculty members as well as by representatives from the participating Industries. The internship experience is expected to enable the students to assist in the resolution of complex problem associated with some aspect of computer networking.
                           At the end of the Internship, the student(s) are required to write a report on their internship work. Such a report needs to be structured according to the prescribed format. The Report forms a major aspect of the evaluation of the Internship work.  

Goal: To assist students in focusing their interests, thus aiding in the selection of future coursework and the assessment of ultimate career pursuits. It gives students the opportunity to re-examine their career objectives and explore the variety of opportunities in the field of computer networking.

Some Details:
Students, the advisors, and the industry/organization, with which the student team is affiliated, will have to agree on a problem that needs to be addressed during the internship. An internship is designed by the advisor and the student according to mutual interests, needs and availability of related industry/organization. To develop a rewarding program, at the beginning of the internship, the advisor and student are asked to establish an internship plan, in the form of written objectives and goals, and to develop a strategy for attaining those goals. The plan may include a schedule of activities that need to be carried out in order to reach a solution for the problem being addressed. The internship plan is not intended to be rigid. Advisor may be unable to assess certain responsibilities until the student demonstrates his or her ability. The plan should be flexible and subject to revision. The advisor and student should assess the student's progress throughout the term of the internship both to evaluate the student's performance, and to establish new directions as needed.
Role of the Advisor
  1. Advisors are expected to share their experience, insight, and enthusiasm with the student throughout the internship.
  2. Advisors should continually monitor the progress of the student, assessing written and oral communications and guiding the development of the student's technical and managerial skills, effectiveness and presentation of self.
  3. Advisors are expected to submit a post-internship evaluation of the student's accomplishments and abilities and of the internship program in general.
Role of the Student
In order for the internship to be a mutually beneficial experience, a student should begin with a definition of his/her objectives and specific interests for the 10-week period to ensure that appropriate activities and projects are selected by the advisor and the student. The student will be responsible for the timely completion and professional quality of all activities and projects assigned. The student is expected to speak frequently with the advisor on his/her progress and interest in other projects, as well as to discuss observations and questions about meetings, projects and other activities with which he/she is involved.
The student is required to submit to Advisor, within the first two weeks of the internship, a brief plan for the internship.

Evaluation Criteria
The evaluation of an internship will be on the basis of the following components and percentage:
  1. Internship Report: 50%
  2. Presentation of the work: 25%
  3. Internal evaluation by the advisor on the basis of continuous involvement in the proposed work: 25%
Text Books:      None

Project on Real World Application Networking (CSC-453)

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology
8th Semester
Course Title: Project on Real World Application Networking

Course no: CSC-453                                                                      Full Marks: 100
Credit hours: 3                                                                               Pass Marks: 40

Nature of course: Project

Course Synopsis: This course introduces students to the practical networking environment.  Special focus will be given in enabling students with the skills pertaining to the analysis, design, and development, installation, testing and servicing a corporate scale network. The course has a practical approach to building networks.

Goal: To develop the skills associated with design and development of meaningful and efficient network systems for organizations.

Course Contents:

  1. Problem Identification
  2. Problem Specification
  3. Analysis and design
  4. System Development
  5. Installation and Testing
  6. System Maintenance

The content of this course is divided into six different phases; the students will first involve themselves in identifying a problem that needs to be addressed. Such problem needs to be specified precisely and several solutions need to be prescribed, out if which the most viable will be selected. The selected proposed solution now has to be analyzed properly and design. This might involve the use of several network utilities and tools depending upon the nature of the problem and environment. 

The designed system will have to implement by choosing a particular platform for development. This may involve the development and installation of the system in the respective environment. The installed system will have to be tested rigorously to check the integrity and persistency. The system designed should be such that it preserves the qualities of a good network system.

Text Books:                None
Prerequisite:              Computer Networking Course, Linux Networking, Windows Networking.