Thursday, September 8, 2011

Computer Networks (CSC-301)

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
BSc. CSIT 5th sem syllabus:Computer Networks
Course Title: Computer Networks
Course no: CSC-301                                                                                   Full Marks: 60+20+20
Credit hours: 3                                                                                            Pass Marks: 24+8+8
Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)
Course Synopsis: Discussion on types of networking techniques, Internet, IPV.
Goal: This course introduces concept of computer networking and discuss the different layers of networking model.

Course Contents:
Unit 1.                                                                                                                                   33 Hrs.
1.1   Computer Network: Introduction to networking, computer network, Internet, the network edge: end system, clients, server, connection oriented and connectionless service, network core, network access and physical media, ISPs and back bone.
1.2   Protocol Layers: Introduction, layered architecture, The Internet protocol stack, network entities and layers.
1.3   Application Layer: Introduction, principles of application layer protocols, the web and HTTP, file transfer, Domain Name Service [DNS]: Working of DNS, DNS records, DNS messages.
1.4   Transport Layer : Introduction, relationship between transport layer and network layer, transport layer in the Internet, multiplexing and demultiplexing, connectionless transport, reliable data transfer: Building a reliable data transfer protocol, pipelined reliable data transfer protocol, Go-Back-N ( GBN ), selective repeat ( SR ), connection oriented transport : TCP , TCP connection, TCP segment structure, time estimation and time out, flow control, Principle of congestion control: The causes and costs of congestion, approaches to congestion control.
1.5   Network Layer : Introduction, network service model, datagrams and virtual circuit service, routing principles: A link state routing algorithm, the distance vector routing algorithm, hierarchical routing, The Internet protocol ( IP ): IPV4 addressing, datagram format, IP datagram fragmentation, Internet Control Message Protocol [ ICMP], Network address translator, routing in the Internet, IPV6, Multicasting routing.
Unit 2.                                                                                                                                  12 Hrs.
2.1   Link Layer and Local Area Networks: Introduction, Data link layer: the services provided by the link layer, error detection and error correction techniques, multiple access protocols, LAN addresses and Address Resolution Protocol, Ethernet, Wireless Links: IEEE 802.11b, Bluetooth, point to point protocol (PPP), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), frame relay.
2.2   Multimedia Networking: Introduction, multimedia networking application, streaming audio and video.
2.3   Network Management: Introduction, The infrastructure for network management.

Laboratory works: Developing the network system in the small scale.

Text Books:
Computer Networking; A Top Down Approach Featuring The Internet, 2nd Edition, Kurose James F., Ross W. Keith PEARSON EDUCATON ASIA 

Assignment: Assignment should be given from the above units in throughout the semester.
Computer Usage: No specific
Prerequisite: C, Digital logic
Category Content:
Science Aspect: 50%
Design Aspect: 50%


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