Friday, December 7, 2012

Decision Support System (CSC-460) .

Geographical Information System (CSC-459) .

Cloud Computing (CSC-458) .

Distributed and Object Oriented Database (CSC- 457)

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology

Course Title: Distributed and Object Oriented Database
Course No: CSC- 457                                                                 Full Marks: 60+20+20
Credit hours: 3                                                                            Pass Marks: 24+8+8
Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)

Course Synopsis: Design and development of distributed and Object oriented database systems
Goals: This course introduces fundamental concepts and implementation of object oriented and distributed database systems with focus on data distribution, query processing, transaction processing, concurrency control and recovery.

Course contents:
Unit 1:                                                                                                        12 Hrs.
1.1   Introduction to Distributed Database: Distributed Data Processing, Concepts of Distributed     Database. Distributed vs. Centralized Database System; advantage and application. Transparency, performance and reliability, Problem areas of Distributed Database.  Integrity Constraints in Distributed databases.
1.2   Distributed Database Architectures : DBMS standardization,  Architectural models for Distributed DBMS – autonomy, distribution and heterogeneity, Distributed  Database architecture – Client/Server , Peer – to – peer distributed systems, MDBMS Architecture, Distributed Catalog management.
1.3   Distributed Database Design: Design strategies and issues. Data Replication. Data Fragmentation – Horizontal, Vertical and Mixed. Resource allocation. Semantic Data Control in Distributed DBMS.
Unit 2:                                                                                                        17 Hrs.
2.1   Distributed Query Processing: Query Decomposition and Data localization for distributed data, join ordering, semi-join strategy, Distributed Query Optimization methods.
2.2   Distributed Transaction Management: The concept and role of the transaction. Properties of transactions-Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability. Architectural aspects of Distributed Transaction, Transaction Serialization.
2.3   Distributed Concurrency Control: Lock-based and Timestamp-based Concurrency Control methods. Optimistic method for Concurrency Control. Deadlock management – prevention, avoidance detection, and resolution. Non-serializable schedule and nested distributed transaction.
2.4   Reliability of Distributed DBMS and Recovery: Concept and measures of reliability, Failure analysis, types of failures. Distributed Reliability Protocols. Recovery techniques. Two Phase Commit, Presumed abort, Presumed commit. Three phase commit, Partitions, Scalability of Replication.
Unit 3:                                                                                                        16 Hrs.
3.1   Object Oriented Database Concept: Data types and Object, Evolution of Object Oriented Concepts, Characteristics of Object Oriented Data Model. Object Hierarchies – Generalization, Specialization, Aggregation. Object Schema. Enter-object Relationships, Similarities and difference between Object Oriented Database model and Other Data models.
3.2   OODBMS Architecture Approach: The Extended Relational Model Approach. Semantic Database Approach, Object Oriented Programming Language Extension Approach, DBMS Generator Approach, the Object Definition Language and the Object Query Language.
3.3   The Object Oriented DBMS Architecture, Performance Issue in Object Oriented DBMS, Application Selection for Object Oriented DBMS, the Database Design for an Object Relational DBMS. The Structured Types and ADTs, Object identity, Extending the ER Model, Storage and Access Methods, Query Processing, Query Optimization, Data Access API (ODBC, DB Library, DAO, ADO, JDBC, OLEDB), Distributed Computing Concept in Com, COBRA.

Laboratory works: All distributed and OO database components mentioned in the course.
(Practical implementation in Oracle 9i or Oracle 10g covering both Distributed and Object Oriented Database Features)

Reference Book:

  1. Principles of Distributed Database Systems; Ozsu, M. Tamer and Patrick Valduriez, Pearson Education.
  2. Object Oriented Database System – Approaches and Architectures; C.S.R. Prabhu, PHI.
  3. Silberschatz, Abraham, Henry F. Korth and S. Sudarshan: Database System Concepts; McGraw Hill International Edition.
  4. Gerald V. Post: Database Management System – McGraw Hill International Edition.
  5. Peter Rob, Carlos Coronnel: Database Systems – Design, Implementation and Management; Course Technology.
  6. R. Cattel: “Object Data Management”, (1993), Addison-Wesley.

Multimedia Database (CSC- 456)

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology

Course Title: Multimedia Database
Course No: CSC- 456                                                                       Full Marks: 60+20+20
Credit hours: 3                                                                                  Pass Marks: 24+8+8
Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)

Course Synopsis: Advanced aspects of multimedia database, indexing and retrieval

Goal: To study advanced aspects of indexing, storage device, retrieval of multimedia information encompassing the principles, research results and commercial application of the current technologies.

Course Contents:
Unit 1: Multimedia Introduction                                                            3 Hrs.
Introduction to multimedia database, issues related to multimedia data types, media types, text document information retrieval, indexing.

Unit 2: Multimedia Data types and formats                                           3 Hrs.
Text, Vector graphics and animation, digital images and digital video, major characteristics and requirement of multimedia data and applications

Unit 3: Multimedia database design issues                                              2 Hrs.
MIRS architecture, data models and user interface, User interface design and feature Extraction, indexing and similarity measures

Unit 4: Text Document Indexing and retrieval                                        5 Hrs.
Automatic text document indexing and Boolean Retrieval model, Vector space retrieval model, probabilistic model and cluster-based retrieval model, Nontraditional IR methods, Performance measurement, WWW search engines

Unit 5: Indexing and retrieval of audio                                                     2 hrs.
Audio properties and classification, Speech recognition and retrieval, Music indexing and retrieval

Unit 6: Image Indexing and retrieval                                                         5 Hrs.
Color-based image indexing and retrieval techniques, Image retrieval based on shape, on texture, Compressed image data, integrated image indexing

Unit 7: Multimedia Indexing and retrieval                                                5 Hrs.
Video shot detection or segmentation, video indexing and retrieval, Video representation and abstraction, Architecture of multimedia information management, user interface with example

Unit 8: Techniques and data structures for efficient multimedia similarity search    5 hrs.
Filter process, B+ and B trees, Clustering, Multidimensional B+ tree, K-d trees, Grid files, Tree family

Unit 9: System support for distributed multimedia databases                 5 Hrs.
QoS management , Design goals, Data storage devices and management , Data  placement on disks, Disks scheduling and admission control, Server configuration and network connection

Unit 10: Multimedia computer architecture and operating systems        4 Hrs.
Process architecture, Computer architecture, Design issues of MOS, QoS support, Multimedia network, Transport protocols, Synchronous presentation

Unit 11: Measurement of multimedia information retrieval effectiveness      3 Hrs.
Human Judgment data, Recall and precision pari, Percentage of weighted Hits, Similarity Ranking, Factors affecting retrieval effectiveness

Unit 12: Products, application and new development                                        3 Hrs.
Multimedia search engine, Digital libraries, Video- on-demand, Multimedia security, MPEG- 7, Multimedia database applications

Laboratory Work: There should be lab related to Multimedia Database

Reference books:

1.       Gunjoun Lu, Multimedia  database management systems
2.       G. Lu, Multimedia Database Management Systems, Artech  House , 1999.
3.       T.Shih, Distributed Multimedia Databases: Techniques and Application , IRM Press, 2002.
4.       V.S. Subrahmanian , Principles of Multimedia Database Systems, Morgan Kaufmann, 1998.

Network Security (CSC -455)

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology

Course Title: Network Security
Course no: CSC -455                                                                    Full Marks: 60+20+20
Credit hours: 3                                                                              Pass Marks: 24+8+8
Nature of Course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)

Course Synopsis: Study of different network security concepts and methods

Goal: In this age of universal electronic connectivity, viruses and hackers, electronic eavesdropping, and electronic fraud, security is paramount. This course provides a practical survey of the principles and practices of network security.

Course Contents:
1.     Introduction                                                                                     6 hrs.
1.1   Computer Security Concepts
1.2   The OSI Security Architecture
1.3   Security Attacks
1.4   Security Services
1.5   Security Mechanisms
1.6   A Model for Network Security

2.       Key Management and Distribution                                               5 hrs.
2.1   Symmetric Key Distribution Using Symmetric Encryption
2.2   Symmetric Key Distribution Using Asymmetric Encryption
2.3   Distribution of public keys
2.4   X.509 Certificates 
2.5   Public Key Infrastructures

3.       User Authentication Protocols                                                        6 hrs.
3.1   Remote User Authentication   Principles
3.2   Remote User Authentication  Using Symmetric  Encryption
3.3   Kerberos
3.4   Remote User Authentication Using Asymmetric Encryption
3.5   Federated Identity Management

4.       Transport – Level Security                                                              6 hrs.
4.1   Web Security Issues
4.2   Secure Socket  Layer(SSL)
4.3   Transport Layer Security (TLS)
4.4   HTTS
4.5   Secure Shell(SSH)

5.       Wireless Network Security                                                              7 hrs.
5.1   IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Overview
5.2   IEEE 802.11i Wireless LAN Security
5.3   Wireless Application Protocol Overview
5.4   Wireless Transport Layer Security
5.5   WAP End – to – End Security

6.       Electronic Mail Security                                                                   3 hrs.
6.1   Pretty Good Privacy(PGP)
6.2   S/MIME
6.3   Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM)

7.       IP Security                                                                                         8 hrs.
7.1   IP Security Overview
7.2   IP Security Policy
7.3   Encapsulating Security Payload
7.4   Combining Security Associations
7.5   Internet Key Exchange
7.6   Cryptographic Suites

8.       Cyber Security Overview                                                                   4 hrs. 

Laboratory Work: All the features covered in the syllabus

Reference Book:
Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 5/E, William Stallings, ISBN – 10:0136097043, Prentice Hall, India Limited