Saturday, September 24, 2011

CSC- 353 Web Technologies Paper 2068

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level/ Third Year/ Sixth Semester/ Science                         Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology                                   Pass Marks: 24
(CSC- 353 – Web Technologies)                                                                Time: 3 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as for as practicable.
Section A
Attempt any two questions.                                                               (2x10=20)
  1. How does a web server link physically on the Internet? How do we navigate from one URL to another from a page displayed at a browser? Explain.

  2. List the protocols and their use at the application layer in the Internet. Why World Wide Web is use? Explain.

  3. What is DOM Hierarchy? Explain the use of *, ? and t in defining a DOM element.

  4. Section B
    Attempt any eight questions.                                                              (8x5=40)
  5. What are the tags and attributes for a table in HTML document?

  6. Write short notes on various services offered by the Internet.

  7. What is the functionality and purpose of HTTP?

  8. Explain the XML syntax and structure rules.

  9. Mention the application of XSL.

  10. What are the benefits and drawbacks of using XML name space?

  11. What is the syntax of declaring an attributes in a DTD?

  12. Explain briefly, how the domain names are translated to IP addresses.

  13. Explain the client/server concepts of web.

  14. What do you mean by cookies? Explain with example.


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