Saturday, September 10, 2011

Introduction of Oracle and XML (CSC-412)

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology
7th Sem: Course Title: Introduction of Oracle and XML

Course no: CSC-412                                                               Full Marks: 60+20+20
Credit hours: 3                                                                        Pass Marks: 24+8+8
Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)
Course Synopsis:       Developing database application using oracle and xml

Goals: To study about Oracle and XML encompassing the principles, research results and             commercial application of the current technologies.

Course Contents:

Unit 1. Oracle and XML                                                              6 Hrs.

Unit 2. Oracle’s XML CORE Technologies                                  6 Hrs.

Unit 3. Developing for the Oracle9i Database                            4 Hrs.

Unit 4. Developing for Oracle Application Servers                     6 Hrs.

Unit 5. Oracle Internet File System                                            5 Hrs.

Unit 6. Searching XML Documents with Oracle Text                  5 Hrs.

Unit 7. Oracle E-Business XML Services                                    5 Hrs.

Unit 8. Oracle and XML in Action                                                5 Hrs.

Unit 9. Oracle’s XML-Enabled Technology Stack                        5 Hrs.

Unit 10. XML- Based Application                                                2 Hrs.
Laboratory works: Design and development of application using oracle and xml.

Text Books: Oracle 9i XML Handbook: Ben Chang

Assignment: Assignment should be given throughout the semester.

Computer Usage:      No specific

Prerequisite:              Java

Category Content:     Science Aspect:           30%
                                    Design Aspect:            70%


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