Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology
7th Sem: Course Title: Distributed and Object Oriented Database
Course no: CSC-411 Full Marks: 60+20+20
Credit hours: 3 Pass Marks: 24+8+8
Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)
Course Synopsis: Design and development of distributed database systems
Goal: This course introduces fundamental concept and implementation of object oriented and distributed database systems with focus on data distribution, transaction processing, concurrency control and recovery.
Course Contents:
Unit 1. Introduction to Object Oriented Database: 6 Hrs.
Abstraction, encapsulation, and information hiding, Classes, Inheritance Overloading Polymorphism and dynamic binding.
Unit 2. Introduction to Database Implementation and Distributed Database Systems Distributed Databases 6 Hrs.
Transparency, performance and reliability. The concept and role of the transaction in distributed computing. Introduction to distributed architectures.
Unit 3. Distributed Database Architectures 5 Hrs.
Distributed and parallel databases concepts – autonomy, distribution, and heterogeneity. Client/server, parallel and distributed architectures.
Unit 4. Distributed Database Design 4 Hrs.
Design strategies. Horizontal, vertical and hybrid fragmentation. Resource allocation.
Unit 5. Introduction to Transaction Management 3 Hrs.
Transaction model and properties. Transaction structure. Transaction serialization and recovery.
Unit 6. Concurrency Control I 4 Hrs.
Lock based concurrency control. Multi-phase locking protocols. Timestamp ordering. Serialization.
Unit 7. Concurrency Control II 6 Hrs.
Optimistic concurrency control. Deadlock management – detection, avoidance, and resolution. Distributed deadlock. Structured (top actions, distributed nested) transactions.
Unit 8. Recovery I 7 Hrs.
Failure analysis. Reliability and availability. Sources of failure. Recovery techniques: shadow paging and write-ahead logging. Memory and storage management (Undo/redo and steal/force)
Unit 9. Commit Protocols 7 Hrs.
Two Phase Commit, Presumed abort, presumed commit. Three phase commit. Partitions. Replication and voting. Shared-nothing DB. Scalability of replication.
Laboratory works: Writing a distributed database components.
Text Books:
- Database Systems Concepts; Silberschatz, Abraham, Henry F. Korth, and S. Sudarshan.
- Principles of Distributed Database Systems; Ozsu, M. Tamer and Patrick Valduriez
Assignment: Assignment should be given throughout the semester.
Computer Usage: No specific
Prerequisite: Database Management System, SQL,
Category Content: Science Aspect: 40%
Design Aspect: 60%
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