Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology
Course Title: Internet Technology
no: CSC-402 Full Marks: 60+20+20
hours: 3 Pass Marks: 24+8+8
of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)
Course Synopsis: Study
on internet protocols, client/server applications and web services.
Designing and applications of internet and intranet system
Goal: This course deals on the practical application of internetworking
technologies to private
intranets for information management and public internets for electronic
commerce students will learn theoretical details, strategies for designing
sites, techniques for creating their
technical infrastructures, methods for
developing content, and techniques for site deployment and management.
Course Contents:
1. Introduction 5 Hrs.
1.1. History and Development of Internets and
1.2. IANA, RIR/NIR/LIR and ISPs for internet
number management
1.3. Internet Domain and Domain Name System
1.4. Internet Access Overview
1.5. Internet Backbone Networks: Optical
Backbone, Marine Cables, Teleports, Satellite and
Terrestrial Links
2. Internet Protocol
Overview 6 Hrs.
2.1. TCP/IP and the IP Layer overview
2.2. IPv4 and IPv6 Address Types and Formats
2.3. IPv4 and IPv6 Header Structure
2.4. Internet RFCs
3. Protocols and
Client/Server Applications 6 Hrs.
3.1. Standard Protocols: SMTP, E-mail Message
3.2. N-Tiered Client/Server Architecture
3.3. Universal Internet Browsing
3.4. Multiprotocol Support
4. HTTP and the Web
Services 8 Hrs.
4.1. HTTP, Web Servers and Web Access
4.2. Universal naming with URLs
4.3. WWW Technology: HTML, DHTML, WML, XML
4.4. Tools: WYS/WYG Authoring Tools
4.5. Helper applications: CGI; PERL, JAVA, JAVA
SRIPTS, PHP, ASP, .NET Applications
4.6. Introduction to AJAX (Programming)
4.7. Browser as a rendering engine: text, HTML,
gif and jpeg
5. Designing Internet
Systems and Servers 8 Hrs.
5.1. Designing of Internet System Network
5.2. Choice of platforms
5.3. Server Concepts: WEB, Proxy, RADIUS, MAIL
5.4. Cookies
5.5. Load Balancing: Proxy Arrays
5.6. Server Setup and Configuration Guidelines
5.7. Security and System Administration Issues,
Firewalls and Content Filtering
6. Internet and
Intranet Systems Development 6 Hrs.
6.1. Introductions
6.2. Benefits and drawbacks of intranets
6.3. Protocols, Structure and Scope of Networks
6.4. Intranets Resource Assessments: Network
Infrastructure, Clients and Server Resources
6.5. Intranet Implementation Guidelines
6.6. Content Design, Development, Publishing
and Management
6.7. Intranet Design with Open source Tools:
6.8. Tunneling Protocols: VPN
7. Internet and
Intranet Applications 6 Hrs.
7.1. General Applications: Email, WWW, Gopher,
Online Systems
7.2. Multimedia and Digital Video/Audio
Broadcasting: Video/Audio Conferencing, Internet
Relay Chat (IRC)
7.3. Broadband Communications, Policy, xDSL and
Cable Internet
7.4. VoIP, GoIP and IP Interconnection
7.5. Datacenters and Data warehousing, packet
clearing house
7.6. Unified Messaging Systems
7.7. Fundamental of e-Commerce
7.8. Concept of Grid and Cloud Computing
Laboratory Work: Laboratory
should include features like packet capturing and analysis, design of internet/intranet
system, proxy administration, firewall configuration and management, VPN,
implementation of IRC, Content development with JUMLA/DRUPALmentioned
in the syllabus.
Reference books:
Computer Networks; Andrew S.
Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall India limited, New Delhi, 2010.
Internet and Intranet
Engineering; Daniel Minoli, MGraw-Hill India Limited, New Delhi, 2009.
Internetworking with TCP/IP;
Comer, D.E and Stevens
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