Saturday, September 10, 2011

Network Security (CSC-402)

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology
7th Sem: Course Title: Network Security 

Course no: CSC-402                                                                         Full Marks: 60+20+20
Credit hours: 3                                                                                  Pass Marks: 24+8+8
Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)
Course Synopsis:    Introduction to Net work security, Cryptography, Network Security Applications, System Security
Coal:   This course covers the fundamentals of networks security and the important standards and applications.

Course Contents:

Unit 1. Introduction to Network security

Unit 2. Cryptography.

                              Conventional Encryption and Message confidentiality.
                              Public – Key Cryptography and Message Authentication.

Unit 3. Network Security Applications

                  Authentication Applications.
                  Electronic Mail Security.
                  IP Security.
                  Web Security.
                  Network Management Security

Unit 4. System Security

                  Malicious Software.

Laboratory works: This is a group project. Each group should consist of 3 to 4 students.

Phase I

The first phase of the class project is to decide on a network security topic for literature survey. Choose a topic that your are interested to pursue. Check the textbook for the topics we are going to cover in detail in the course. In this phase your are required to submit the names of project’s members and one to tow pages summary of the chosen topic. There will be a power point presentation.

Phase II

The objective of this phase is to carry a through literature survey of the chosen topic. This means that you are required to read recently published articles in highly reputable journals publications. Your are expected to collect eight to ten papers. It is expected that each student be reading 2 or 3 papers. Generally you are encouraged to choose one or tow papers of literature nature and one or more paper(s) covering different techniques of the literature part. The outcome of this phase is a professional report that covers the chosen topic. The format of the report is as follows:

  1. Abstract: a concise paragraph about the material present in the report.
  2. Introduction: presentation of the topic under investigation and an overview of the algorithms, techniques, and architectures used.
  3. A section for each of the algorithms, techniques and architectures presented.
  4. Comparison of different techniques in terms of performance and requirements (S/W or H/W)
  5. Your chosen algorithm/ technique / protocol/ architecture for implementation in phase III and method of implementation (S/W, H/W or simulation) or performance analysis
  6. Conclusions
  7. References
  8. Appendices if required

You are asked to submit a hardcopy and a soft copy of the report in the due date as well as gibing a presentation (See presentation format and report preparation)

Phase III

In phase III your have chosen one of the presented method/ algorithms/ techniques/ protocols / architectures for implementation.

Implementation means either software or hardware or simulations. Also your can do a performance study. For software implementation, your can choose any programming language. You should be able to have a nice interface so that your implementation can be sued as an educational tools. For hardware implementation, your may have an implementation ay any level from architectural level to VLSI level. For performance studies, your can sue one of the performance evaluation techniques such as simulation, queuing models or even analytical methods. In addition to the implementation your are required to prepare a final report in the following format:

  1. Abstract: a concise paragraph about the material presented in the report
  2. Introduction: presentation of the topic under investigation and an overview of the algorithms,  techniques and architectures used.
  3. the chosen technique
  4. details of implementation or performance study
  5. analysis of your implementation
  6. conclusions
  7. references
  8. appendices if required


  • You will do a presentation for phases I, II and III of the project. Phase I and II presentations are Power Point presentations and phase III is a power point presentation and a demo.
  • Phase II presentation is about 30 minutes. The presentation should over all aspects of the chosen topic. Each student is required to participate in the presentation according to the materials s/he has studied. Expert tough questions in this part!
  • Phase III   is about 15 minutes. It should start be presenting the algorithms/ technique protocol / architecture under investigation. After this it should cover the implementation details.
  • Slides can include graphics or text. Text slides should have a few bulleted highlights, and not have copies of paragraphs form your paper.
  • Report preparation
  • Although your report of phase II is a literature survey. It doesn’t mean that your copy paragraphs form the papers your are readings. Copying paragraphs or sentences form others work without appropriate referencing and quotation is an act of academic dishonesty that qualifies you for F grade and to be reported for disciplinary action.
  • Your are expected to read the papers and understand the content then express the materials using your own worked. I am not interested I in a Shakespearean writing style that you copy form references. I am interested in having your fully understand the material and present your own understanding.


  • All presentation materials need to be submitted in your presentation slot. You should submit all source code, design work, and the written report.
  • Absolutely no late submissions or demos
  • All project membe5 shave to attend the presentation and should be prepared to answer any questions
  • The final grade of the project will depend on all aspects of the project such as: literature survey, application programs

Text books:
Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards 2/#, William Stallings, Pearson Education

  1. Cryptography and Network Security, 3rd. Edition, William Stallings, Pearson Education.
  2. Network Security, Private Communication in a public world, 2/E, Charlie Caufman, Radia Perlman, Mike Specimen, Pearson Education.

Homework assignments:
home work assignments covering lecture materials will be given throughout the semester.

Computer usages: UNIX or Linux based PC or workstation.

Prerequisites: Data communication and networking

Category content:      Science aspect: 70%
                              Design aspect: 30%


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