Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level/ Third Year/ Six Semester/ Science Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology Pass Marks: 24
(CSC 351 – Software Engineering) Time: 3 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as for as practicable.
The questions are of equal value.
Attempt any ten questions. (10x6=60)Computer Science and Information Technology Pass Marks: 24
(CSC 351 – Software Engineering) Time: 3 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as for as practicable.
The questions are of equal value.
- Differentiate between software process and software process model.
- What are the key challenges facing in Software Engineering? Explain.
- Explain the system design process.
- Why program are developed using evolutionary development are likely to be difficult to maintain? Explain.
- What is the critical distinction between a milestone and deliverable? Explain.
- Why elicitation and analysis is a difficult process in requirement engineering process? Explain.
- Explain the rapid prototyping techniques with example.
- What do you mean by formal specification? Explain.
- Explain the control models and its types.
- Explain the use case diagram with example.
- Explain the verification and validation planning.
- Write short notes on (any two): (a) Data flow models
(b) COCOMO model
(c) Security assessment
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